Cleanwaterforum : A forum to discuss how to achieve universal access to safe, physically accessible, sufficient and affordable, clean water.

We set up this blog to discuss issues surrounding universal access to safe, physically accessible, sufficient and affordable clean water. These issues include, but are not limited to: 1) whether access to clean water should be enshrined as a fundamental human right; 2) how to respond to the increasingly prevalent treatment of water as a commodity rather than a public good (corporate social responsibility and water); 3) clean water as global health issue; 4) clean water as a poverty issue; 5) clean water as a global security issue; 6) clean water as a gender issue.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Watching Water: Corporate Risks and Opportunities in a Thirsty World

The folks at JP Morgan's Environmental, Social and Governance Research practice have put together a report on doing business in an environment plagued by water scarcity. This report analyzes both risks (environmental liabilities etc.) and opportunities (sectors like water treatment) to help clients navigate water issues. The link is posted and I'd be eager to hear some CSR analysis - is there a CSR component in play? a rights-based analysis present?

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