Cleanwaterforum : A forum to discuss how to achieve universal access to safe, physically accessible, sufficient and affordable, clean water.

We set up this blog to discuss issues surrounding universal access to safe, physically accessible, sufficient and affordable clean water. These issues include, but are not limited to: 1) whether access to clean water should be enshrined as a fundamental human right; 2) how to respond to the increasingly prevalent treatment of water as a commodity rather than a public good (corporate social responsibility and water); 3) clean water as global health issue; 4) clean water as a poverty issue; 5) clean water as a global security issue; 6) clean water as a gender issue.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

In wake of bloody fighting over water, Bolivia looks beyond corporate control of water

After violence plagued Cochabamba's experience dealing with privatization of the municipal water system in 2000, a new effort has begun to reform water law relying on traditional usos y costumbres (uses and customs) that provide for flexible (albeit perhaps more time-intensive) dispute resolution processes.

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